Combination Techniques of Wado Ryu

belt belt belt belt belt belt belt belt
belt belt belt belt belt belt belt belt

8 Kyu Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt     Yellow Belt

Maegeri chudan - tobikomizuki jodan
Don't change guard - front kick to the body - snap punch to the head

Surikomi maegeri chudan - tobikomizuki jodan
Don't change guard - one step front kick to the body - snap punch to the head

Maegeri chudan - gyakuzuki chudan
Change guard - front kick to the body - reverse punch to the body

Surikomi maegeri chudan - gyakuzuki chudan
Don't change guard - one step front kick to the body - reverse punch to the body

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7 Kyu Orange Belt

Orange Belt     Orange Belt

Maegeri chudan - mawashigeri chudan - gyakuzuki chudan
Front kick to the body - roundhouse kick to the body - reverse punch to the body

Surikomi maegeri chudan - mawashigeri chudan - gyakuzuki chudan
One step front kick to the body - roundhouse kick to the body - reverse punch to the body

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6 Kyu Green Belt

Green Belt     Green Belt

Maegeri chudan / sokuto chudan / gyakuzuki chudan
Front kick to the body - side kick to the body - reverse punch to the body

Surikomi maegeri chudan / sokuto chudan / gyakuzuki chudan
One step front kick to the body - side kick to the body - reverse punch to the body

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5 Kyu Blue Belt

Blue Belt     Blue Belt

Mawashigeri chudan / ushirogeri chudan / gyakuzuki chudan
Roundhouse kick to the body - back kick to the body - reverse punch to the body

Surikomi sokuto chudan / ushirogeri chudan / uraken jodan
One step side to the body - back kick to the body - back fist to the head

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4 Kyu Purple Belt

Purple Belt     Purple Belt

Maegeri chudan / nagashizuki jodan / gyakuzuki chudan
Front kick to the body - snap punch to the head twist body to the side - reverse punch to the body

Surikomi maegeri chudan / nagashizuki jodan / gyakuzuki chudan / mawashigeri chudan
One step front kick to the body - snap punch to the head twist body to the side - reverse punch to the body - roundhouse kick to the body

Maegeri chudan / sokuto chudan / ushirogeri chudan / gyakuzuki chudan
Front kick to the body - side kick to the body - back kick to the body - reverse punch to the body

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3 Kyu 1st Brown Belt

Brown Belt     Brown Belt

Surikomi maegeri chudan / mawashigeri chudan / ushirogeri chudan / uraken jodan
One step front kick to the body - roundhouse kick to the body - back kick to the body - back fist to the head

Maegeri chudan / nagashizuki jodan / gyakuzuki chudan / mawashigeri chudan
Front kick to the body - snap punch to the head twist body to the side - reverse punch to the body - roundhouse kick to the body

Surikomi maegeri chudan / sokuto chudan / ushirogeri chudan / uraken jodan
One step front kick to the body - side kick to the body - back kick to the body - back fist to the head

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2 Kyu 2nd Brown Belt

Brown Belt     Brown Belt

Surikomi maegeri chudan / nagashizuki jodan / mawashigeri jodan
One step front kick to the body - snap punch to the head twist body to the side - roundhouse kick to the head

Maegeri chudan / sokuto chudan / ushirogeri chudan / gyakuzuki chudan
Front kick to the body - side kick to the body - back kick to the body - reverse punch to the body

Zenshinshite jodan / renzuki chudan / surikomi maegeri chudan / mawashigeri chudan / gyakuzuki chudan
Step straight punch to the head - reverse punch to the body - one step front kick to the body - roundhouse kick to the body - reverse punch to the body

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1 Kyu 3rd Brown Belt

Brown Belt     Brown Belt

Zenshinshite jodan / renzuki chudan / maegeri chudan / mawashigeri chudan / ushirogeri chudan / gyakuzuki chudan
Step straight punch to the head - reverse punch to the body - front kick to the body - roundhouse kick to the body - back kick to the body - reverse punch to the body

Surikomi jodan / renzuki chudan / surikomi maegeri chudan / mawashigeri chudan / ushirogeri chudan / uraken jodan
One step straight punch to the head - reverse punch to the body - one step front kick to the body - roundhouse kick to the body - back kick to the body - back fist to the head

Zenshinshite jodan / renzuki chudan / maegeri chudan / nagashizuki jodan / gyakuzuki chudan /mawashigeri chudan
Step straight punch to the head - reverse punch to the body - front kick to the body - snap punch to the head twist body to the side - reverse punch to the body - roundhouse kick to the body

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